Weekly Outline - gr8code/Curriculum-Frontend GitHub Wiki

This page contains the weekly outline for the gr8code Frontend Engineering Course.

Week 1: HTML and CSS Basics

Cover basic HTML and CSS, introduce Bootstrap near the end of the week.


  • Course introduction
  • How the web works (request/response model, what browsers and servers are, etc.)
  • Dev environment setup (Sublime, iTerm, Git)
  • Introduction to Git and Github
  • Treehouse HTML Course


  • Build a simple HTML page
  • Start on Treehouse CSS course


  • Treehouse CSS course


  • Style the basic HTML page using CSS (as a separate stylesheet)
  • Introduce Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap assignment (give students a wireframe, make them use Bootstrap components to build it)


  • Hack day: finish your bootstrap assignment.


Treehouse HTML Course ~5 hours
Treehouse CSS Course ~14 hours

Week 2: Javascript Basics, jQuery

  • What is JS
  • JS CSS Injection
  • Jquery and ease of use
  • Ajax with custom js??

Week 3: Putting it all together - build a basic site

  • Use time to make sure students are groking concepts taught in first two weeks

Week 4: Sass, Building from a PSD

  • PSD assignment - future portfolio site
  • Intro emmet

Week 5: APIs, Advanced Javascript

  • Intro grunt ??

Week 6: UX, Introdution to Frameworks and MVC

  • JS Testing in preparation for angular
  • Junit/Mocha
  • Jade templating engine

Week 7: Angular.JS


  • What is Angular?
  • The power of Angular?
  • MVC Refresher
  • JS Refresher
  • Basic Angular App Buildout
  • Angular vids on codeschool


  • Angular Vids on Codeschool ( finish morning)
  • Start final project using angular ( explain what will be doing and repo )
  • Begin markup for final project


  • Continue markup + CSS for angular project
  • Begin to angularize markup being created



Week 8: Angular.JS

Week 9: Angular.JS, Interviewing Skills

  • Should we teach freelance skills, like writing proper proposals and such??

#Helpful links to share