Project Requirements - gr3ysky/cooperate GitHub Wiki

Cooperative Web site Project Requirements

  1. Members of the food cooperative have a discount ratio on sales.
  2. Nonmembers should pay subscribtion fee before becoming a member.
  3. Producers should have a name, profile picture and location info and their products of their profile page.
  4. Admin users should add producers to the system.
  5. Admin users should add products to the system.
  6. Admin users should add events to the system.
  7. Products should have a name,pictures, tags, producer,production location, category, packing info, unit, unit price, sale type(weigth or package).
  8. Admins should increase a product's stock count.
  9. There should be a selling session schedule on the system where members can volunteer for that selling session.
  10. Members can eaither volunteer for selling or stocking.
  11. Some products have prepayment process (ie: milk)
  12. For selling to a nonmember there will be a general account inside the system.
  13. Members should comment on products, producers and events.
  14. Members should rate products they had bought.
  15. System should calculate the price of the bought products and create a sale record for the customer.
  16. Reports? (Second phase maybe)
  17. Notifications? (Second phase maybe)