Android Interview Questions - gpunalkar/android GitHub Wiki

Android Interview Questions

Android Ecosystem

What is Anroid

  • It is developed by google.

What is DVM

  • Dalvik Virutal Machine >> an android virtual machine optimized for mobile device.

What is the difference between DVM & JVM

  • JVM is Heaviside

What is the architect consist

  • Linux kernel
  • Libraires
  • Android Application
  • Android Framework


  • Android Context

  • Activity Manager

  • Window Manager

  • Content Provider

  • Camera

  • Email

  • Calendar

Which are main componant

  • Activities
  • Services
  • Broadcast
  • Content Provider

Asset packaging Tool

  • Zip jar file or APK

What is AVD (Android virtual Device)

  • Hardware
  • Storage Area
  • Screen

What is APK (Android Application Package)

  • apk file genrate to load on app strore

Android Context

  • A abstract class whose implementation provided by android system. It gives the context of the current state of the application or object.

Can be invoked via:

  • getApplicationContext()
  • getContext()
  • getBaseContext()
  • this (Current instance or reference)

Android Application

Application which on Android environment

NDK (Native Development Kit)

ANR (Android app not responding)

What is API Level

  • An integer number indicating the corresponding Android framework; It shows to the programmer what functionalities may be included when designing the application.


  • VersionCode for developer
  • Versionname identification
  • all the electronic device which support Android hardware configurations


  • An object you can use to request an action from another app component (such as Activities, Services, Broadcast, Receivers, and Content Providers).

  • to start the service

  • to broadcast the service

intent type

  • implicit -
  • explicit -

Intetn Information

  • Name
  • String
  • URI
  • Category
  • Flag - Extra instructions to the Android System


  • Chooser Dialog


  • An expression in app's manifest file that specifies the type of intents the component would like to receive.

  • Each intent filter specifies the type of intents it accepts based on intent's

  • action

  • data

  • Category

What is pending intent

  • As object that wraps another intent
  • A token that you give to a foreign application which allows the foreign application to use your application's permission
  • By giving a Pending Intent to another application, you grant it the right to perform the operation you have specified as if the other application was yours initial one

Intent resolution

sticky intent

  • It sticks with android for future broadcast listeners

Manifest file

  • Exactly one - Exception is the case when a 3rd party library is added. Then the library has a manifest itself as well
  • Application Name - it serves as a unique identifier of the application
  • Activities
  • Services
  • Broadcaster
  • Content Provider
  • Permission - By default application is allowed to perform any operations that would adversely impact other applications, the operating system, or the user.