Revision History - gpdoud/ams2-client-solution GitHub Wiki

Revision History

2.x [Minor Update] Month Day, Year

  • #7 - Display error messages to user
  • #32 - Highlight list item during mouse-over.
  • #35 - Duplicate VIN and LicensePlate in Vehicles
  • #39 - Add optional login to application

2.0.1 [Bug fix] August 27, 2018

  • #36 - Fixed a problem with the sort

2.0.0 [Major Upgrade] August 17, 2018

  • #24 - Create sort for Angular list components
  • #23 - Add Department to user as foreign key
  • #22 - Add Property as a future asset
  • #21 - Add optional user to asset as foreign key
  • #20 - Users must be assigned to a Department
  • #19 - Corrected Active property missing from user edit & create
  • #18 - Username in User must be unique
  • #17 - Fixed Equipment description not updating when changed
  • #16 - SerialNumber, if provided, must be unique
  • #15 - Add Year/Make/Model to Equipment as in Vehicle
  • #13 - Fixed changes in SerialNumber doesn't save in Equipment
  • #12 - AcquiredDate field missing from Equipment edit
  • #11 - Fixed no way to clear Address after valid selection
  • #9 - Fixed cannot properly enter date in DisposedDate
  • #5 - Provided search on list for all data
  • #4 - Added Department as optional for all assets
  • #3 - Added sorting of list by clicking column header
  • #2 - Optional add of Category to all assets
  • #1 - Added optional user foreign key to all Assets

1.0.0 [Initial Release] May 8, 2018