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Asset Management System (AMS)

The Asset Managment System is a web application that allows an organization to manage the fixed assets (e.g. cars, computers, cell phones, etc.) by keeping track of information about them like when they were acquired, who is in possession of them, any repair records, and when they are disposed of.

You can read more on the background here.

The entire AMS is in two repositories. This repository ams-client is for the front-end code done in Angular and Typescript. The back-end code is in the ams-server repository ams-server and uses C#, EntityFramework, MVC, WebAPI, and SQL SERVER.


Priority toward contributing to this project will always be given to boot camp graduates of MAX Technical Training.

For others wanting to contribute to the project, you must be proficient and HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Angular 4/5. In addition, you must be familiar with asynchronous calls via Angular services using Observables (Promises may do) to interact via JSON.


Greg Doud
Boot camp instructor
MAX Technical Training