Aerospike - gpawade/ GitHub Wiki


  • NOSQL - Key value store

Data Model

Data Model


Namespaces are top-level data containers. A namespace can actually be part of a database or a group of databases, as referred to in standard RDBMS. A namespace contains records, indexes, and policies. Namespace using the different storage engines.


In namespaces, records belong to logical containers called sets. Sets allow applications to logically group records in collections.


The Aerospike Database is a row store with focus on individual records (RDBMS rows). A record is the basic unit of storage in the database. Records can belong to a namespace or to a set within the namespace. Records use a key as their unique identifier.


Within a record, data is stored in one or many bins. Bins consist of a name and a value. Bins do not specify the data type. Data type is defined by the value contained in the bin.

Docker Aerospike help

// Connect to docker -server
$ docker run -it aerospike/aerospike-tools aql -h  $(docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' aerospike)
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