External Resources - gpaluk/pluginio-vm GitHub Wiki

External Resources

The following links are external resources that may be useful as technical references during the development of EX3.



Source code for the Actionscript virtual machine

JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler

Opensource flash SWF decompiler and editor. Extract resources, convert SWF to FLA, edit ActionScript, replace images, sounds, texts or fonts. Various output formats available. Works with Java on Windows, Linux or MacOS.


This lib based on rcombs/libswf, ffdec_lib from jpexs-decompiler and Adobe SWF FILE FORMAT SPECIFICATION, ActionScript Virtual Machine 2 (AVM2) Overview.


A highly experimental WebAssembly to ActionScript (AVM2) bytecode compiler.

wasm2swf is a work in progress; it produces working output but could use improvements.

Red Tamarin

Simply put, redtamarin is based on the Tamarin project (eg. the Flash Player Virtual Machine) and allow to run AS3 code on the command-line.

But because Tamarin only support the AS3 builtins (Object, Array, etc.), redtamarin add numerous native functionalities, so you can test if your program run under Windows or Linux, or read/write files, or send data with sockets, etc.

Put another way, if Adobe AIR allow you to build desktop executable with a GUI, redtamarin allow you to build desktop executable with a CLI.

Apache Royale™

The Apache Royale project is developing a next-generation of the Apache Flex™ SDK: . Royale has the goal of allowing applications developed in MXML and ActionScript to not only run in the Flash/AIR runtimes, but also to run natively in the browser without Flash, on mobile devices as a PhoneGap/Cordova application, and in embedded JS environments such as Chromium Embedded Framework. Royale has the potential to allow your MXML and ActionScript code to run in even more places than Flash currently does.

For detailed information about using Royale, visit:


For more information about the Apache Royale project, visit:



Interactive application and game developers need access to productive tools for forging bitmap, vector, text, sound and video together. The modern-day web browser provides many of these features, but performance for animated content, and support for hardware graphics (while still supporting software caching and fallback) is not readily available. OpenFL combines a proven set of tools for development of games and rich interactive content, going back to the first renaissance innovators on the web.



The GNU SWF Player



Shumway is an HTML5 technology experiment that explores building a faithful and efficient renderer for the SWF file format without native code assistance.


SWF File Format Specification


ActionScript Virtual Machine 2 Overview
