2.6 Hook: VTable Swap - gottyduke/DKUtil GitHub Wiki


Swaps a virtual method table function with target function

  • vtbl : pointer to virtual method table (base address of class object)
  • index : index of the virtual function in the virtual method table
  • funcInfo : FUNC_INFO wrapped function
  • patch : prolog patch before detouring to target function
VMTHookHandle AddVMTHook(
    void* a_vtbl,
    std::uint16_t a_index,
    FuncInfo a_funcInfo,
    Patch* a_patch
) noexcept


using namespace DKUtil::Alias;

class Dummy
    void MsgA() { INFO("Called MsgA"sv); } // 0
    void MsgB() { INFO("Called MsgB"sv); } // 1

// target dummy vtbl, it's implicitly at <class pointer + 0x0>
Dummy* dummy = new Dummy();

// target function signature, first parameter is <this>
using MsgFunc = std::add_pointer_t<void(Dummy*)>;
MsgFunc oldMsgA;
MsgFunc oldMsgB;

// swap function
void MsgC(Dummy* a_this) { 
    INFO("Called MsgC"sv);
    // call original function

auto _Hook_MsgA = DKUtil::Hook::AddVMTHook(dummy, 0, FUNC_INFO(MsgC));
auto _Hook_MsgB = DKUtil::Hook::AddVMTHook(dummy, 1, FUNC_INFO(MsgC));

// save original function
oldMsgA = _Hook_MsgA->GetOldFunction<MsgFunc>();
oldMsgB = _Hook_MsgB->GetOldFunction<MsgFunc>();

// now MsgA and MsgB will both be detoured to MsgC instead
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