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Config Source

An all purpose configuration library for x64 native plugin projects, supports ini, json and toml file types out of box. No more handling these settings on our own, use simplied API from this library!

Config Path

By default the config file lookup directory starts in the current working path.
This can be manually overriden by defining a relative CONFIG_ENTRY before including.

#define CONFIG_ENTRY "configs\\"
#include "DKUtil/Config.hpp"
// this translates to "process_cwd/configs/"

For SKSE, SFSE, and F4SE plugin projects, their paths are automatically provided.


DKUtil::Config supports 3 primitive data types and string variants. All types except Boolean are collection-enabled, to mimic the array-like behaviors as if they were one.

The data can be accessed by prepending the asterisk symbol * as if it were a pointer type, or the getter method get_data()/get_collection().

If the data is initialized as a collection, the pointer to its members can be accessed by [] operator with proper index. It will return the first element if the data itself is not a collection, or the last element if the index is out of bound.

To declare configuration data, initialize them with key field and section field.

using namespace DKUtil::Alias; // type alias

Integer myInt64Data{ "MyIntDataKey", "General" }; // std::int64_t
Double myDoubleData{ "MyDoubleKey", "General" }; // double
Boolean myBoolData{ "MyBoolKey" }; // bool
String myStringData{ "MyStringKey" }; // std::basic_string<char>

Section field is optional and unnamed sections will be put under Global. Section is ignored for JSON.


The configuration system in DKUtil works as "proxy per file", each Proxy represents one specific configuration file and the subsequent Load, Write, and Generate calls.

Proxy can be compile time and/or runtime determined for the given file. If the file name and type is already ensured at the compile time, use COMPILE_PROXY macro to get the corresponding parser for such file type. If the file name is runtime generated, such as file iterator from a directory, use RUNTIME_PROXY macro for file type/name that is unknown at the compile time.

#include "DKUtil/Config.hpp"

// it can be .ini, .json or .toml
auto MainConfig = COMPILE_PROXY("MyConfigFile.json"sv); // will be evaluated to json proxy at compile time

std::string runtimeFileName = SomeLoadFileCall();
auto RuntimeConfig = RUNTIME_PROXY(runtimeFile); // will be evaluated to appropriate proxy at runtime


File MyConfigFile.toml:

MyIntData = 10086
MyIntArray = [99, 96, 92, 87, 71]
MyDouble = 114.514
MyBool = true
MyString = "Hello toml"
MyStringArray = [

Code (wrapping in a class is not required):

#include "DKUtil/Config.hpp"

using namespace DKUtil::Alias; // For type alias

class Settings : dku::model::Singleton<Settings>
    Integer myInt64Data{ "MyIntData" };
    Integer myInt64ArrayData{ "MyIntArray" };
    Double myDoubleData{ "MyDouble" };
    Boolean myBoolData{ "MyBool" };
    String myStringData{ "MyString" };
    String myStringArrayData{ "MyStringArray" };

    // your custom config load call
    void Load() noexcept 
        static std::once_flag Bound;
        std::call_once(Bound, [&]() {
            // bind configs to file with default values
            MainConfig.Bind(myInt64Data, 10); // std::int64_t 10
            MainConfig.Bind(myInt64ArrayData, 10, 78, 314, 996); // std::int64_t array
            MainConfig.Bind(myStringData, "Hello DKUtil"); // string
            MainConfig.Bind(myStringArrayData, "First", "Second", "Third"); // string array
            MainConfig.Bind(myBoolData, true); // bool, no bool array support
            MainConfig.Bind(myDoubleData, 3.14154); // double
            // OR you can bind with minimal/maximal range
            MainConfig.Bind<0, 3.3>(myDoubleData, 3.14154); // double with range of 0 ~ 3.3


        INFO("{} {} {}", *myInt64Data, *myStringData, *myDoubleData); // 10086 hello toml 114.514

        // traverse the array
        for (auto& place : myStringArrayData.get_collection()) {

    // cannot use auto for class member declaration
    TomlConfig MainConfig = COMPILE_PROXY("MyConfigFile.toml"sv);


During Proxy.Load call, a default config file will be generated if missing.

To update an existing config file with modified data:


To append new data entries an existing config file(retroactive update):

// load existing entries
// generate new entries with default value
// write new config file
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