Home - gorjanz/rn-treasure-hunt GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the rn-treasure-hunt project.

This project represents an App, which serves to aid a real-world Treasure Hunt-like game. The goal of the game is to follow a Map, on which there is always a marker, a certain checkpoint the user needs to reach. Once the user reaches this checkpoint, a real-world problem needs to be solved, and a password needs to be obtained, in order to advance to the next checkpoint. Also, the user is encouraged to take fun photos, which can then be uploaded and stored somewhere for later viewing.

In this wiki space, guidelines and some step-by-step integrations of key features will be documented in a tutorial-like manner.

App requirements

The app needs to:

  • Be able to present the user with a map
  • Be able to place a marker on the map
  • Be able to present the user with its geolocation on the map, in reference to the marker
  • Be able to allow the user to login (server side validation of credentials needed)
  • Be able to allow the user to take a photo without leaving the app
  • Be able to store that photo, and save it on the device, in order to be discoverable by other device apps (e.x. Gallery)
  • Be able to provide the user with the option to choose some photos and upload them somewhere (server-side storage of photos needed)
  • Support the game-logic, and keep the game-state in order for the described gameplay to function properly

Technologies used

  • React Native for the mobile app, both iOS and Android platforms are supported
  • NodeJS for the server side
  • Flickr API for photo storage
  • Heroku Cloud Platform for server deployment

Explanations of API integrations

More info, and steps on integrating the needed features is coming soon...