GB Link Configuration - gorillabuilderz/WiFi-Shield GitHub Wiki

On the back off your shield, you will notice blobs of solder (GB Links) across the matrix of silver dots (look closer and you will see them :)

These are pre-configured links to get you up and running out of the box This is ok if all you are going to connect to your Arduino is this shield but typically, you will want to stack other shields other than just this one

This is where GB Links provide you flexibility to use other shields.

So looking at the picture below showing the back of your shield, you will see one line for each feature on your shield.

For example nCS-SD is the select line option for the SD card, nCS-ID is the select line option for the MAC ID but note, you can only have one GB Link for each feature.

The Blue line is a special case allowing you to extend your choices from only one of the features to the A0 - A5 pins. More on this later...

Link Config

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️