System Entities - gopheracademy/congo GitHub Wiki

Rough Entity List

  • event - a single occurrence of a Series (conference) that might be scheduled yearly, quarterly, etc.
  • Series - global entity that may have multiple occurrences (yearly, quarterly)
  • Activity - an planned activity associated with an Event. May require an RSVP or ticket. May be official or unofficial
  • Attendee
  • contact info
  • belongs to an event
  • can attend multiple events
  • can attend be a member of multiple events (? what is membership here ?)
  • be notified of new events for a specific series (subscribe/opt-in)
  • Interested in Attendee (attendee prospect)
  • Sponsor
    • sponsors have levels
    • sponsors have a set of contacts with contact types (marketing, technical)
    • sponsors have assets (logos)
    • sponsors have an about-us blurb (text for the web sponsor page)
  • Prospective Sponsor (just a field of sponsor)
  • Sponsor Contacts (marketing, sales, technical, etc)
  • Speaker
  • Speaker Candidate (submitted CFP)
  • Session (talk, tutorial, etc that consumes a room)
  • Track (single track conferences have one default track, others have multiples)
  • Administrator(s)
  • Sponsor Administrator - maybe let them manage/upload marketing material, logo, etc
  • Ticket
  • Room (with attributes on sizing, capacity)
  • News Item
  • Schedule Item/Event/NEED DIFFERENT WORD (external things that don't consume a conference room) -- pub crawl, 5k run, speaker dinner
  • Vendor
  • Task - a thing someone in the system must perform
  • Venue
    • has rooms
    • has URL
    • address