Planned Features - gopheracademy/congo GitHub Wiki

Planned Features

  • Registration of attendees
  • Central mailbox for conference/event planners -- we use a mail alias right now, but it's not always clear when someone responds to a question/email. A full communication system that mimics email but stores messages in the database (and uses pop/imap to receive, smtp to send) would be preferred.
  • Register interest before tickets open for sale
  • Send updates to groups of people (registered attendees, interested people, sponsors)
  • Tracking / management of sponsors
  • Call For Proposals (CFP) collection, rating system that ties into a conference scheduling system
  • Scheduling system
  • Task management - Track tasks and assign them to users, also attach/reference speakers/sponsors so that when you're working with a sponsor/speaker you can see tasks associated with them.
  • Budget / Finances - Should also update based on ticket sales and sponsorships as they come in.
  • API for mobile app consumption - list speakers, talks, sponsors, events, news
  • Static site generator for Conference public website? Or have templated conference public website served from the dynamic data in Congo.
  • Admin dashboard with graphs and statistics on dates, tickets sold, conference revenue, budget shortfall, etc.
  • Social integration (I just signed up for GopherCon2016 - via standard social outlets)
  • Manage multiple conferences over multiple iterations (GopherCon 2015, GopherCon 2016, GopherCon East Fall, GopherCon West Spring)
  • Complete website integration (as content API? or hugo generator integration?) Should make the website for us based on the details we've entered in the application
  • Serve static assets for front-end applications? Give them easily deduced locations: /events/gophercon/sponsors/ibm/logo/svg

Simplification and/or Opinionated Decisions

  • Use SendGrid for email
  • Prefer Go-powered third party vendors (like SendGrid, DataDog, etc)
  • Postgres Database
  • Dockerized deployment, with built-in support for standard 12 Factor application methodology (get config from environment, etc)
  • Stripe for payments for now, possibly swappable later?
  • Use hugo libraries to generate static website for conference from dynamic data?
  • AuthBoss for authz/authn
  • It would be nice if we could assume something like S3 for storage so we could upload assets and other binaries.

Implemented Features