PAIClient - gopai/reporting-sdk GitHub Wiki
- connect - The start point for the server session. Both username and password must be for a valid and active User.
- retrieveReportUsingBuilder - Retrieves a report as a CSV file using the ReportRequest to apply filters to the report.
- retrieveReportUsingGUID - Retrieves a report as a CSV file using the report GUID.
- retrieveReportConfig - Retrieves the ReportConfig for the given report GUID.
- runQuery - Runs a query against the database and returns the results as an InputStream.
- runQuery - Runs a query against the database and returns results in the specified form.
- isConnected - This method sends a heartbeat.event request to the server to identify if the session is still live.
- logOut - Sends the DoLogout.event to the server to end your session.
PAIClient client = new PAIClient();
boolean connected = client.connect("Username", "Password");
if (connected) {
InputStream stream = client.retrieveReportUsingGUID("GUID");
String returnString = StreamUtil.readIntoString(stream);