Welcome to The New Economics Game - goognin/freeism GitHub Wiki

Capitalism is a boring game.
It makes people think everything is scarce.
It mostly turns people into frustration than happiness.
It motivates people to manipulate others to hoard more stuff.
It forces people to pedal out of fear of being left without shelter and food.

How to stop being afraid and start living?

What if we change the definition of wealth
from "how much people hoard"
to "how much people help"?

We can build a world where people are motivated to help each other and to contribute to the community.
The world where we have free access to the basic resources and unlimited time to create something valuable.

Let's imagine how we can build this new world.

Basic Math

if A(r) >= G(u) then giveaway resource r for user u for free

A(r) = ProducingSpeed(r) / ( UsersAmount * ConsumingSpeedPerUser(r))
G(u) = PlaceInTopGivers(u) / UsersAmount

A(r) is a measure of scarcity of the resource.
If there are many more bananas produced than people could consume, A(banana) > 100%.
If there are fewer Lambos than people, A(Lambo) < 100%.

G(u) is a measure of how much one contributes to the community's happiness.
It's the percentile of the top givers' leaderboard that one fits.
If John doesn't contribute anything he is in 100% percentile, i.e. G(John) = 100%.
If Alice contributes a lot and she's in 5% of the top givers, G(Alice) = 5%.

Example Calculation of A>=G

Let's take potato as an example resource in a small community of 100 people.

UsersAmount = 100 persons
ProducingSpeed(potato) = 5 kg/day
ConsumingSpeedPerUser(potato) = 0.5 kg/day/person
PlaceInTopGivers(Alice) = 10

A(potato) = 5/(100*0.5) = 10%
G(Alice) = 10/100 = 10%

A(potato) = G(Alice)

🎉 Hooray, Alice takes a potato for free, because she contributes a lot.

Top Givers Leaderboard

How shall we calculate the top givers' leaderboard?
We will accumulate joypower that this person delivers to the people in the community.
Joypower is a measure of how one person has enjoyed the interaction with another one.

Example Calculation of Joypower

If Bob wants to eat he just goes to Walmart, picks a banana and goes away.
And he will pay for his purchase via setting a joypower as a measure of how great was his experience of going to Walmart for the banana.

Let's consider everybody has 100% of joypower for every 24 hours.
Everyone can allocate his joypower to whatever goods and services in any proportion each day.
For instance, today Bob allocated 20% for housing, 30% for his work, 10% for food, 30% for family and 10% for books. Each day Bob's allocation of joypower can vary.

To calculate the top givers' leaderboard we have to sum up every joypower transaction. For example, today Walmart delivered an average 10% of joypower to 100M people. That means Walmart gets a 10M score.

We can increase the complexity by adding more layers of joypower transactions. I.e. if Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia founder) has 10M score and he allocated 10% of his daily joypower to his cook, the cook gets 1M score.

🤔 Questions & Answers

Freeism is a new concept, so we have to polish it a lot with questions and answers 🤓
Feel free to add both of them here:

Are there any coins?

Unlike Capitalism, Socialism, and even Crypto-economies, Freeism is an additive-only game.
I.e. when someone allocates a joypower, he don't lose his joypower, because it will regenerate the next day.
Plus, if there was something extraordinary joyful at the end of the day, one can set the joypower to that experience and all the previous ratios for the day will be updated.

How shall we manage wholesale B2B interactions?

How shall we use those happy coins for the B2B relationships? It doesn’t look fair to change an oil tanker for 1 happy coin. Even if it will be 100% for the day for the receiving company. Even if we consider oil and tankers as abundant resources :)

How shall we count recurring interactions?

SaaS, shampoo that we use and enjoy daily, etc. Okay, if I’ve bought a shampoo and I’m happy each day while smelling a gorgeous aroma 😊 But I’ve already left my joypower in Walmart at the cash desk. Can I still send my joypower to the Shampoo Inc.? Does shampoo bottle have to remind me somehow with a QR-code on it?)

Are we already on our way to Freeism?

Look like yes:

  • Celebrities (who provide a lot of joy for millions of people) receive a ton of things for free from their fans.
  • A lot of things provided for free in exchange for watching ads.
  • Abundant resources like the food provided for free for the homeless.

How shall we manage scientific, research and other long-term activities with don’t provide an instant guaranteed service?


How to thank a person for an inspiring conversation?

Freeism is also perfect in this case: I’ve got an inspiring talk with someone and I’d like to help him somehow. Giving money will look weird, but I can’t provide direct help neither, because the recipient doesn’t need it or works in a different industry.

How business shareholders will get a profit?

How they will get a profit (if they need one in Freesim, LOL)? Shall they receive some joypower proportional to their equity stake?


There will be no need in KYC/AML procedures because there’s no sense in joy-laundering 🤣


And no sanctions too. Imagine a president declaring: our people should never bring joy to any citizen of XYZ 😆

How to manage joypower for babies and moms?

Mom will post instead of her kid?
Fathers will allocate their joypower for the family?

Legal framework, taxes, accounting

Joypower is much more convenient than fiat money. It’s interesting how central banks will try to limit the Abundance Economics (like they try to do with BTC). But any regulation of it would be as absurd, as trying to set up a sanctions or a trade war (see above). Do we still need a legal framework to account joypower, pay taxes, 401k, etc? There was a similar experience with crypto: early crypto adopters thought they would be able to dodge the legal stuff and create a parallel Universe, but no. That’s why we’ve taught a few govs on legalizing crypto.


And there will be no need for loans, especially mortgages, student loans and credit cards. And we will barely need a bank in Freeism.


So, there would be a whole lot of room for the new wave of startups to fertilize this new soil. Wondering who would be the first VC to jump into the game.

Arbitrage with non-Freeism space

How shall we manage the arbitrage temptation? A resource could be abundant in country X, but scarce in Y. There will be a ton of guys focused on exporting the resource from X to Y. And that will decrease the abundance of the resource in country A which will distort A>G balance.

If we pick a community of <1M ppl, it would not produce everything it needs internally. There will be an impo-expo with foreigners. It will lower down the A, because producers will have to export something. I.e. we have to net export from the ResourceProducingSpeed.

Producers would be motivated to export their produce, because capitalistic foreigners treat it as a scarce resource and exchange it for another scarce resource. And they pay with money allowing to buy what's missing inside the community. Fighting Temptations...

Buing an equity shares

If in Freeism one can buy an equity share for fiat money, the only thing people should do is to dump all the fiat into buying shares of the Netflix-like companies to get the highest ROI in joypower.

Cast system

How to avoid a cast system (establishment) in Freeism? What timeframe shall we pick to calculate the leaderboard of the top givers? 5 years like FIFA or ATP? Will there be lots of local country-level charts or one global?

Allocation of scarce resources

If those top-10 givers (including Alice) get all the produced potatoes for free, then what shall the rest 90 persons eat?

Calculating the producing speed of the resource

It's easy to calculate each variable in A>=G except the ProducingSpeed(r). To calculate it, each producer has to pull his output stats to the community's database daily. What incentives should drive this?

People, companies and governments

Shall we create different top givers leaderboards for the people, companies, and govs? Because it would be almost impossible for the persons to compete unless they’re not shareholders of some corporations.

What's the difference between Freeism and a reputation-based economy?

The main thing in Freeism is utility, while the reputation-based economies are focused on trust.

Freeism isn't asking you if your car will start its engine tomorrow. It's asking you what value you got out of the car today.

Capitalism, for instance, views things as capital - as having asset. Freeism views things as being disposable. They don't have any value if they're not being used by the people.

Freeism algorithmically tries to optimize and saturate the efficient use of a thing. In Capitalism, using a thing could damage its value and therefore reduce its holding as an asset, so things often go unused in order to "park" money in it.

Freeism is not trying to model future outcome or behavior of an individual or institution. It's merely trying to record present and historic utility as a reward function for public accounting.