RepackagingDownloads - googlegsa/manager.v3 GitHub Wiki


When a release candidate is signed off for release, the release candidate downloads are repackaged. The ZIP file names and the directory prefixes in the ZIP files are renamed. Repackaging is non-destructive; the original files are not modified.


Repackaging replaces "connector-foo-${svn.branch}" with "connector-foo-${version}", for example, "connector-sharepoint-3.2.2-RC2" with "connector-sharepoint-3.2.2". The svn.branch property is the name of the last directory in the Subversion branch for the working copy, for example, the value for "/svn/trunk" is "trunk", and the value for "/svn/tags/3.2.0" is "3.2.0". The version property is the value from the file. This version string may have an X or M build number, for example, "3.2.4-M1", but it should not have an RC build number, e.g., "3.2.4-RC1".


To repackage the downloads for a release candidate:

  1. Go to a checkout of the release candidate. Do not use a checkout of the tag
  2. Make sure the original release candidate downloads are in the downloads directory. Do not recreate the downloads
  3. Run "ant repackage"
  4. Upload the release builds