PasswordEncryption - googlegsa/manager.v3 GitHub Wiki


Among the data that the connector manager stores for each connector is a username/password pair that is used by the connector to crawl a CMS. The password is encrypted using a symmetric key that is stored in a keystore. Specifically,every connector is specified by a list of properties (key-value pairs) and the value of any property whose key contains the substring "password" (case-insensitive) is encrypted.


The Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) is used for encryption and storing keys. This allows you to plug-in your own JCE provider. Our implementation uses the default provider in the Sun Java Runtime v 1.5.0.

The parameters used to do this have sane defaults that work out of the box, but they can be over-ridden. The parameters are specified in the web.xml for the connector manager webapp.

The parameters are:

  • Keystore file specifies the filename in which the keystore is kept. The default is connector_manager.keystore. The associated parameter in web.xml is called keystore_file. This file will be created if it does not exist. If the StandardContext is being used and the unpackWAR is defaulted to true then the webapp will search for this file under its WEB-INF directory. If the Servlet container cannot translate this path to a real path, then it will be treated as a virtual path.

  • The keystore password file contains the password used to secure the keystore. If the file does not exist, an empty password is used. The default filename is keystore_passwd. The associated parameter in web.xml is called keystore_passwd_file.

  • The keystore encryption algorithm specifies what symmetric encryption algorithm to use for encrypting passwords. The default is "AES". Your JCE provider must support the algorithm. The associated parameter in web.xml is called keystore_crypto_algo.

  • The type of keystore used by JCE can also be specified. The default is "JCEKS". Your JCE provider must support this type of keystore. The associated parameter in web.xml is called keystore_type.

These parameters are specified in the <context-params> section of web.xml. Here is an example:

        The type of keystore to use. Your JCE provider must support it.

The keystore password is specified in a file (as opposed to interactively). This has two advantages:

  • It does not preclude automated startup of the application (say after a reboot).
  • You can use scripts that perform security checks before writing the password to the file.

EncryptPassword Command Line Application

Connector Manager versions 2.6.0 and later provide a command line utility, EncryptPassword, that can be used to encrypt passwords using the mechanism described here.

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