DumpConnectors - googlegsa/manager.v3 GitHub Wiki


The Connector Manager maintains a selection of important Connector related data in a Persistent Store. The persistently stored data includes the Connector's configuration, traversal schedule, and portions of its traversal state.

In early versions of Connector Manager, this information was kept in system preferences. In recent versions, this information is kept in files in the file system of the computer hosting the Connector Manager. In future versions, this information will be maintained in a database.

Once this data resides in a database, it becomes less directly available to the developer or administrator for examination and troubleshooting.

A new DumpConnectors command line utility built into the Connector Manager allows the connector developer or administrator to dump the information stored in the database to a more easily readable XML file.


usage: Manager DumpConnectors [-?] [-v] <output_filename>
       -?, --help                        Display this help.
       -v, --version                     Display version.
       -c, --connector <connector_name>  Connector to export.
       output_filename                   Name of output XML file.

One or more connectors to export may be specified using --connector options. If unspecified, the configurations for all connectors are written to the output file.

The DumpConnectors utility is built into the Connector Manager's connector.jar file and is run by executing the Manager script found in the Connector installation's Scripts folder:

% cd /path/to/connector/installation/Scripts
% ./Manager DumpConnectors /tmp/connectors.xml

This creates a XML file, connectors.xml, which contains the stored persistent state for all Connector instances, including configuration, traversal schedule, and traversal checkpoint.

Since Connector Manager v3.0