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Advanced Diagnostic Context Logging in Connector Manager v2.0

Google Search Appliance Connector Manager version 2.0 provides enhanced logging capabilities that makes it easier to troubleshoot installations employing multiple Connector Instances. The log records now contain additional context-specific information, most notably the name of the connector instance generating the message.

The new logging mechanism implements the Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC) and Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) patterns as described by Neil Harrison in the article "Patterns for Logging Diagnostic Messages" in the book "Pattern Languages of Program Design 3". The MDC and NDC interface closely resembles those provided by the Apache Log4j implementation, primarily as an aid for the large number of developers and administrators familiar with log4j.

Whereas earlier versions of the Connector Manager relied strictly on Java's native logging, the new enhanced diagnostic context logging feature requires the configuration of a custom log Formatter. Two new log Formatters are provided: SimpleFormatter and XmlFormatter.

By default, these Google Connector Log Formatters generate output similar to the java.util.logging Formatters of the same name, with the discrete addition of the diagnostic context. However, the output of each may be modified via a format property in the Connector Manager's file.

The default message layout for the SimpleFormatter includes the diagnostic context in square brackets after the message timestamp. The default message layout for the XmlFormatter adds an <NDC> XML element that contains the diagnostic context.

Changing the Format of the Generated Log Messages

The Google Connectors Installer sets up the SimpleFormatter with its default log message layout. This layout is similar to the java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter produced by previous versions of the Google Search Appliance Connector deployments.

A Connector administrator may select the desired log Formatter and modify the layout of the generated messages by setting certain properties in the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/connector-manager/WEB-INF/classes/ file.

Configuring the SimpleFormatter

The Google Connector Logging SimpleFormatter is the log formatter set up by the Google Connector Installer.

To enable the SimpleFormatter, set the FileHandler property in as follows:

By default, the SimpleFormatter generates output that resembles that
of java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter. The NDC context is inserted
just after the timestamp on the first line of the log message.

The output of the SimpleFormatter can be tailored using a layout pattern
string specified as the format property value. As an aid to administrators,
the syntax of the layout pattern string is similar to the Log4j PatternLayout.
However, since this logger is based upon java.util.logging.LogRecord, not all
of Log4j's conversion patterns are supported. The layout pattern syntax
is described in the javadoc.

For example, the default SimpleFormatter output uses the layout pattern:{MMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss a} [%x] %C %M%n%p: %m%n

For a condensed, the 1-line layout, suitable for grepping, try: [%x] %p: %C{3}.%M(): %m%n

Configuring the XmlFormatter

To enable the XmlFormatter, set the FileHandler property in as follows:

The XmlFormatter has limited configuration options, supporting only two
different output formats. The default XmlFormatter output resembles the
output of java.util.logging.XMLFormatter, with the addition of an <NDC> element containing the NDC diagnostic context.

Unfortunately, the additional <NDC> XML element in the default format is
not recognized by the popular
Apache Chainsaw log viewer.
The Connector Logging XmlFormatter can be configured to produce output
resembling that of the Apache Log4j logger, which is viewable in Chainsaw.

To enable the default XML format, set the format property to default:

To enable Log4j-compatible XML format, set the format property to log4j or chainsaw:

Note: A bug in the XmlFormatter that shipped with Connector Manager v2.0.0
requires a format property to be specified, even if that property value
is default. The format property must be specified, and it must not be
empty. This issue was fixed in the Connector Manager v2.0.2 patch release.

Configuring the Tomcat Server to Enable Connector Diagnostic Logging

The Google Connectors Installer will automatically configure use of
the new Google Connector SimpleFormatter with its default layout.
However, manual Connector installations will require small changes
to the Tomcat configuration to enable this feature.

You must add the new connector-logging.jar file to the system classpath that
Tomcat uses at startup. Tomcat ignores the CLASSPATH environment variable and
builds a custom classpath using the $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ or
%CATALINA_HOME%/bin/setclasspath.bat scripts. Modify these scripts, adding
connector-logging.jar to the CLASSPATH constructed.

For instance:

If configuring the Connector as a Microsoft Windows service, you must also
add connector-logging.jar to the PR_CLASSPATH constructed in service.bat before installing the service.

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