ContactUs - googlegsa/manager.v3 GitHub Wiki

Contact the Google Search Appliance Connector Manager team

Thanks for your interest in the Google Search Appliance Connector Manager!

The Google Search Appliance connector framework enables the Google Search Appliance to search and serve documents stored in non-Web repositories, such as enterprise content management systems. An enterprise content management (ECM) system provides a central repository for large numbers of documents.

The Connector Manager is the central part of the connector framework for the Google Search Appliance. The Connector Manager itself manages creation, scheduling, and monitoring of connectors that supply content and provide authentication and authorization services to the Google Search Appliance.

Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have questions or suggestions regarding the Google Search Appliance, Connectors, or the Connector Manager.

If you have a bug, issue or suggestion, you can make an entry in the Issues database. Just click on the "Issues" tab on this or any project page. Anyone can submit an issue.

If you would like to exchange email, please use the Google-Search-Appliance group on googlegroups: Membership is required for posting, but anyone may join. This is a general interest group - if interest warrants, we will establish a developer group.