Readable String Manipulation with Google Mug - google/mug GitHub Wiki
This library provides easy-to-read string manipulation utils. Some examples:
new StringFormat("/{user}-home/{year}/{month}/{day}")
.parse(path, (user, year, month, day) -> ...);
String input = "I have [k1:v1] and [k2:v2] etc.";
// Returns Map.of("k1", "v1", "k2", "v2")
Map<String, String> keyValues =
new StringFormat("[{key}:{value}]")
.scanAndCollectFrom(input, Collectors::toMap);
// replace file extension name
Substring.last('.').toEnd().replaceFrom(filename, ".yaml");
// remove the scheme from a url
// Parse the datetime string read from a file
List<String> lines = readLinesFromTestFile(...);
StringFormat lineFormat =
new StringFormat("{time}, {event_id}, {event_type}");
var results =
.map(line ->
lineFormat.parseOrThrow(line, (time, id, type) -> {
ZonedDateTime dateTime = DateTimeFormats.parseZonedDateTime(time);
See javadoc for details.
Mug is a general purpose library. Omitted, but other useful utils include BiStream for streaming pairs, Optionals, String Templating, simplified structured concurrency etc.