BinarySearch Explained - google/mug GitHub Wiki

The JDK offers binary search algorithms out of the box, for sorted arrays and lists.

The Mug BinarySearch class (it requires Guava dependency) is a generalization applicable to more use cases. For example:

  • You may want to search in a double array with a tolerance factor.
    Optional<Integer> index =
        BinarySearch.inSortedArrayWithTolerance(doubles, 0.0001).find(3.14)
  • Or search for the range of indexes when the array can have duplicates (at least according to the tolerance factor).
    Range<Integer> indexRange =
        BinarySearch.inSortedArrayWithTolerance(doubles, 0.0001).rangeOf(3.14)
  • Or search for the solution to a monotonic polynomial equation (the kind of fun trick you might have done once or twice in interviews).
    long polynomial(int x) {
      return 5 * x * x * x + 3 * x + 2;
    Optional<Integer> solvePolynomial(long y) {
      return BinarySearch.forInts()
          .find((low, x, high) ->, polynomial(x));
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