Runtime parameters - google/megalista GitHub Wiki

These parameters are required in the body of the request to the Dataflow API or as command line parameters for running locally.

Expected parameters

Key Name (Cloud scheduler) Shell Argument (localrun) Expected value
gcp_project_id --gcp_project_id Google Cloud project Id
client_id --client_id oAuth2 client Id for Google APIs
client_secret --client_secret oAuth2 client secret for Google APIs
refresh_token --refresh_token oAuth2 refresh token for Google APIs, obtained through
access_token --access_token oAuth2 access token for Google APIs, obtained through
setup_sheet_id --setup_sheet_id Id of Google Spreadsheet that will be used as configuration engine.
developer_token --developer_token Google Ads developer token
bq_ops_dataset --bq_ops_dataset Auxiliary bigquery dataset name used for Megalista operations (dataset needs to exist prior to execution and be hosted in gcp_project_id project)
bq_location --bq_location Location of bigquery's source dataset used for Megalista (default to US)
appsflyer_dev_key --appsflyer_dev_key Developer key for AppsFlyer server 2 server API