Google Sheets - google/megalista GitHub Wiki

Using Google Sheets:

  • Make a copy of the Sheets template
  • In the "Intro" sheet provide Account IDs for Google Ads, Analytics, CM360, etc.
  • Configure source/input data in the "Sources" sheet
  • Configure destinations in the "Destinations" sheet
  • The "Help" sheet has a chart to document the required metadata for each use case.
  • Configure connections from Sources to Destinations in the "Connect" sheet
  • Make note of the Sheet's ID in the URL:

Spreadsheet Configuration

  • All data upload rules are defined in a single configuration spreadsheet. The trix contains four tabs: Intro, Sources, Destinations, Connector:
  1. Intro Tab: Holds basic, common information across upload rules

  2. Sources tab: Holds the bigQuery location of each data source. Important: The schema of each bigQuery source table needs to perfectly match the expected schema of the destination type that will be used with:

  • Source Name: A friendly name for that source
  • Dataset: BigQuery dataset name
  • Table: BigQuery table name image
  1. Destinations Tab: Defines where the data should be send to - according to the destination type and expected metadata information
  • Destination Name: Friendly name of each destination
  • Type: The type of upload, limited to supported upload destinations
  • Metadata[1-6]: Additional required pieces of information expected by each destination type (details can be found at the corresponding destination type's wiki page) image
  1. Connect Tab: Responsible for mapping a source to a destination
  • Enabled (Yes/No): Disabled lines are ignored at runtime
  • Source: The friendly name of a Megalista source
  • Destination: The friendly name of a Megalista destination image