Google Ads Enhanced Conversions For Leads - google/megalista GitHub Wiki


Uploads conversions based on user provided personally identifiable information.




Expected Schema

Column name Type Description Requirement
uuid STRING Unique event identifier defined by the user used by megalista to deduplicate events before sending required
email STRING Email provided by user** optional
phone STRING Phone number provided by user** optional
time STRING 2020-04-16T12:00:00.000 required
amount STRING Conversion value required
external_attribution_credit STRING Credit from External Attribution Data optional
external_attribution_model STRING External Attribution Model optional
consent_ad_user_data STRING Consent Status for Ad User Data*** optional
consent_ad_personalization STRING Consent Status for Ad Personalization*** optional

** Either email, phone number or both need to be uploaded



  • Metadata 1: Conversion name: Name of the created conversion on google ads
  • Metadata 2: Google Ads Account (Optional). Define a Google Ads Account Customer Id to override the Account Id defined in the General Configuration on the "Intro" tab. If the Account Id defined in the General Configuration is a Mcc account, the Mcc account will still be used for authentication, however the override Account Id will be used as the Customer Id.
  • Metadata 3: TRUE or FALSE (DEFAULT=TRUE). Define if you would like megalista to hash the data before sending. Use false if your data is already SHA256 hashed or if you don't mind sending raw identifiers to Google Ads

Additional information

  • Documentation for setting up enhanced conversions for leads with Google Tag
  • Documentation for setting up enhanced conversions for leads with GTM

Additional information (2)

At every request successfully sent, Megalista stores the conversion uuid/time pair on a temporary table for 15 days. At every new execution, it consults stored uuid/time(s) and, in case request has already being sent, it prevents it to be sent again. As a result, source table should not maintain events for more than 15 days.
Google Ads recognized if the conversion was sent before (Time, PII and amount combination) so conversions are not duplicated. For multiple form submissions, Google Ads considers the last PII informed by user.