Firestore - google/megalista GitHub Wiki

To configure using Firestore (recommended for use with web interface - WIP):

  • Verify that the Firestore API is enabled on Google Cloud (see the APIs section)
  • Create a collection in Firestore, with the name of your choice
  • Inside the collection, create a Firestore document named "account_config", and provide Account IDs for Google Ads, Analytics, CM360, etc. See schema below.
  • Inside the collection, create separate Firestore documents for each Source/Destination pair. See schema below.

Firestore document schemas

account_config document schema:

Field name Description
google_ads_id Google Ads account ID (customer ID) used by default
mcc_trix TRUE/FALSE. Indicates whether the Google Ads account is an MCC (parent account) or not
google_analytics_account_id Google Analytics account ID
campaign_manager_account_id Google Campaign Manager account ID
app_id Android/iOS app ID for Google Ads or Appsflyer used by default

Source+Destination document schema:

Universal parameters (mandatory for any upload type):

Field name Description
active yes/no. Enables or disables scheduled uploads for the Source/Destination pair
bq_dataset Name of the souce Big Query dataset
bq_table Name of the source Big Query table
source BIG_QUERY. Data source for the uploads.
source_name Display-only name for the source, shown on logs. Example: "Top spending customers"
destination_name Display-only name for the destination, shown on logs. Example: "Customer match"

Google Ads conversions

Field name Description
gads_conversion_name Name of the Google Ads conversion registered on the platform

Google Ads Store Sales Direct

Field name Description
gads_conversion_name Name of the Google Ads conversion registered on the platform
gads_external_upload_id External upload ID

Google Ads Customer Match - Contact

Field name Description
gads_audience_name Name of the Google Ads audience registered on the platform
gads_operation ADD/REMOVE. Indicates whether the user list should be added or removed from the audience
gads_hash TRUE/FALSE. Enables hashing on data
gads_account (Optional) Google Ads account ID (Customer ID). Overlaps the default account ID in the account_config document

Google Ads Customer Match - Mobile

Field name Description
gads_audience_name Name of the Google Ads audience registered on the platform
gads_operation ADD/REMOVE. Indicates whether the user list should be added or removed from the audience
gads_account (Optional) Google Ads account ID (Customer ID). Overlaps the default account ID in the account_config document
gads_app_id (Optional) Android/iOS app ID for Google Ads. Overlaps the default app ID in the account_config document

Google Ads Customer Match - User ID

Field name Description
gads_audience_name Name of the Google Ads audience registered on the platform
gads_operation ADD/REMOVE. Indicates whether the user list should be added or removed from the audience
gads_account (Optional) Google Ads account ID (Customer ID). Overlaps the default account ID in the account_config document
gads_hash TRUE/FALSE. Enables hashing on data

Google Analytics - Measurement Protocol

Field name Description
google_analytics_property_id Google Analytics property ID (UA)
google_analytics_non_interaction 1/0. Indicates whether the event is a non-interaction hit

Google Analytics - Data Import

Field name Description
google_analytics_property_id Google Analytics property ID (UA)
google_analytics_data_import_name Name of the data import set in Google Analytics

Google Analytics - User List

Field name Description
google_analytics_property_id Google Analytics property ID (UA)
google_analytics_view_id Google Analytics view ID in the property selected
google_analytics_data_import_name Name of the data import set in Google Analytics
google_analytics_user_id_list_name Name of the user ID list
google_analytics_user_id_custom_dim User ID custom dimension
google_analytics_buyer_custom_dim Buyer custom dimension

Campaign Manager

Field name Description
campaign_manager_floodlight_activity_id Floodlight activity ID
campaign_manager_floodlight_configuration_id Floodlight configuration ID

Appsflyer S2S events

Field name Description