Campaign Manager Offline Conversions - google/megalista GitHub Wiki


Uploads Campaign Manager offline conversions to Campaign Manager floodlights (compatible with CM, SA360 and DV360 conversion optimization and CM + DV360 audience creation).




  • Profile ID configured in intro
  • Floodlight configuration created in CM
  • Floodlight activity created in CM
  • Campaign Manager API enabled in Google Cloud

Expected Schema

Column name Type Description Requirement
uuid STRING Unique event identifier used by megalista to deduplicate events before sending required
gclid STRING Click id optional*
dclid STRING Click id for Display & Video optional*
mobileDeviceId STRING Mobile Advertising ID optional*
encryptedUserId STRING Extracted from CM reports optional*
matchId STRING Sent to floodlight tag optional*
value STRING Total value of the conversion optional
quantity INT64 Number of conversions (Default: 1) optional
timestamp STRING 2020-04-16T12:00:00.000 (Default: current timestamp) optional
customVariables ARRAY Array of u-variable values (stored as Structs) optional
customVariables[].type Enum String of u-var index, from "U1" to "U100" optional
customVariables[].value STRING Value of u-var optional

* Must have at least one of gclid, dclid, mobileDeviceId, encryptedUserId, matchId.


  • Metadata 1: Floodlight Activity ID: Can be obtained in the URL for the activity
  • Metadata 2: Floodlight Configuration Id: Can be obtained in the URL for the activity

Additional information

  • Documentation for offline conversions in Campaign Manager.
  • At every request successfully sent, Megalista stores its uuid on a temporary table for 15 days. At every new execution, it consults stored uuids and, in case request has already being sent, it prevents it to be sent again. As a result, source table should not maintain events for more than 15 days.

Example BQ data for testing

    uuid STRING,
    matchId STRING,
    value STRING,
    quantity INT64,
    customVariables ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, value STRING, kind STRING>>>>[
        (generate_uuid(), 'abc', 10, 2, [
            ('U1', '123', 'dfareporting#customFloodlightVariable'),
            ('U2', '456', 'dfareporting#customFloodlightVariable')
        (generate_uuid(), 'def', 20, 4, [
            ('U1', '987', 'dfareporting#customFloodlightVariable'),
            ('U2', '654', 'dfareporting#customFloodlightVariable')

Note: The UUID value should not change for a given line/conversion. If the UUID for a line/conversion changes, this line/conversion would be resent by Megalista, duplicating the data in Campaign Manager.
The UUID doesn't have to be a Universally Unique Identifier, but any value that uniquely identifies a line/conversion. For instance, a "order id" may be a good candidate for the UUID field if the "order id" is unique.