The config.json file - google-marketing-solutions/topic-mine GitHub Wiki

This project requires a file called config.json, which contains important settings and credentials required for the program to function. There is a file included in the code called config.json.example. You can use that file as a baseline to change the parameters and then rename it to config.json.

Here is an explanation of the config.json file with all its possible fields. Note that some of them are optional and recommended to be skipped.

    "advertiser": "Company or brand name.",
    "project_id": "Google Cloud Platform project id to deploy Topic Mine - e.g.: my-project.",
    "project_region": "Optional, recommended to skip - use only if another service deployment region other than us-central1 is preferred.",
    "client_id": "Optional, recommended to skip - use only if project-level authentication is preferred.",
    "client_secret": "Optional, recommended to skip - use only if project-level authentication is preferred.",
    "refresh_token": "Optional, recommended to skip - use only if project-level authentication is preferred.",
    "login_customer_id": "Optional, recommended to include - Your Google Ads customer id, see Authentication params.",
    "google_ads_developer_token": "Optional, recommended to include - Your Google Ads developer token, see Authentication params.",
    "gemini_api_key": "Your Gemini API key - see Authentication params.",
    "cloud_run_service": "Optional, recommended to skip - use only if another service name other than topic-mine is preferred.",
    "service_account_name": "Optional, recommended to skip - use only if another service account name other than topic-mine-service-account is preferred.",
    "language": "Language to generate content. Supported values: ES, EN, PT.",
    "country": "Country for which the ads are for. E.g.: Mexico.",

Config.json file example

This is the most basic config.json file example. It contains only the minimum required parameters for Topic Mine to function. Note that it is recommended that the parameters login_customer_id and google_ads_developer_token are included, and they are not present in this example.

    "advertiser": "Super Store",
    "project_id": "super-store-project",
    "gemini_api_key": "egmaGMASglagsdlAGMeagEAmdgsAGM",
    "language": "ES",
    "country": "Argentina",