DevelopmentSprint2010 - google-importer/mixare GitHub Wiki

rogram for the first mixare development sprint in Bolzano

The sprint takes place in the framework of the freesoftwareweek How to join

If you intend to join us, please send an email to [email protected] ! When

The sprint will begin on Monday 2010-11-08 at 14:00

The sprint will end on Thursday 2010-11-11 (sometimes in the afternoon :-) ) What

The main objective of the development sprint is to shrink the list of open issues in our issue tracker and make progress according to our roadmap.

Other than this, we will have some "sessions" to share our experiences and best practices among the whole community. Where

The development sprint will be hosted at TIS innovation Park in Bolzano. Here a link to the map where you can also get directions etc. Coding tasks

A few develpment tasks have been underlined as really important and will be dealt with special care, they are listed in inverse order of difficulty (easier tasks at the beginning): * adaptation of the latest additions by Hannes in order to deal with different visualization radii * fix to allow opening local files (from SD Card) * custom markers on the map view (related to the source) * fix for the aspect ratio (distorted image preview especially on WVGA screens) * fix for the click problem (difficulty whith clicking a marker, possibly related with the above) * camera calibration (cf. opencv project) * use of opengl instead of surfaceview

Additionally, the iphone port will be finalized in its first incarnation! So iOS developers are very welcome as well! Non coding tasks

Documentation is something that is a bit lacking in mixare, so to improve it is definitely something we want to address. Further there will be talks about Java coding best practices and everyone will be invited to share his/her experiences.

Update (2010-11-08): Andrea Antonello, who partecipated in lots of development sprints for GIS-related projects, will share his experiences with us!

Please note that the above program is a declaration of intents! In order to achieve all the above (and possibly more) the contribution of anyone that is able to join and help is fundamental. If you want to join us send an email to [email protected] Resources for the event GIT

git model proposal
original git model proposal
git tutoral
git tutorial
git visual reference

Graphic guidelines/resources

android asset studio
android ui utils