GoldenDict as a Desktop Google Translate App - goldendict/goldendict GitHub Wiki

  1. Install latest GoldenDict;
  2. Download GT-bash-client master branch as ZIP and unzip file into any regular folder;

NOTE: Seems like GoldenDict from-time-to-time can't use bash command if Shell-file path directed to "hidden" folder (with "dot" character in folder name: `../.goldendict/)

To avoid this always place only in "visible" folders (without "dots" in folder names): /user/<username>/dotfiles/

  1. Launch GoldenDict;
  2. Go to menu "Edit > Dictionaries...";
  3. On "Dictionaries" window go to tab "Sources > Program" and click Add... button;
  4. In new program entry row set:
Enabled Type Name Command line Icon
☑ (check it for enable) Plain Text GT: source lng > target lng (or name it as you wish) bash <path_to>/ <source_lng> <new_lng> %GDWORD% (add link to any icon, otherwise it would be shown as "gear" icon)
  1. Click Apply and then OK buttons;
  2. Now input words or text string you wish to translate into word input field and hit Enter key on your keyboard (until Enter not pressed GoldenDict will not execute programs);
  3. That is all!


If you need few directions (ja > en and en > fr, etc.) just repeat steps above and add few program entries with custom <source_lng> <new_lng> arguments.

Scan Pop-up mode

Also, now you could use "Scan Pop-up" function to translate in any external program (web browser, text editor, book reader, etc) — just select word/text string and hit CTRL+C+C shortcut (or set custom hotkey shortcut in GoldenDict preferences).


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