Feature List - gmiddle/ignored GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the Ignored wiki!
- New account creation, log in, log out, and guest/demo login
- Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
- Users can use a demo log in to try the site.
- Logged in users are directed to their profile page which displays their server and channels list.
- Logged out users are directed to a splash page.
- Development of splash page.
Hosting on Heroku
Adding Servers
- Logged in users can add servers.
- Logged in users can edit and delete servers.
- Server List
- Logged in users can messages on servers.
- Logged in users can edit and delete their own messages.
- Adding Servers, Channels and Private Chats
- Adding a Server
- Adding a Channel Displays Servers, Channels, and Messages in a Private and Public Context
- Friendships
- Adding a Server
- Adding a Private Chat
Search bar - searching for servers and channels based on their names
Production README
- Brief explanation of what the app is and does.
- How to start development environment
- Technologies used
- Link to live site
- Link to Wiki docs
- Discussion of two features that show off the team's technical abilities
- Discussion of both challenges faced and the way the team solved them
- Code snippets to highlight the best code
- Bonus Features
- Different themes - light/dark - save to uses profile
- Bonus: Direct Messages via private servers using websockets
- Bonus: Screen Sharing/Video using web rtc and websockets