03 Customize your Azure IoT Central - gloveboxes/AiPoweredPredictiveMaintenance GitHub Wiki

Customize your Azure IoT Central app

Customize your IoT Central app to display the predictive maintenance properties published by the Azure Sphere app.

Open the Azure IoT Central

  1. Go to Azure IoT Central.

Create a device template

  1. From the left pane, select Device templates.
  2. Select +New.
  3. Select IoT device.
  4. Select Next:Customize.
  5. Name your device template Predictive Maintenance.
  6. Select Next:review.
  7. Select Create.

Create a custom model

  1. Select Custom model

  2. Select + Add capability.

  3. Create a capability as follows:

    • Display name: Fault Prediction.
    • Name: FaultPrediction.
    • Capability type: Property.
    • Expand the capability dialogue, and select schema string.

    The image shows how to add capabilities

  4. Repeat this process adding the following capabilities.

    Display name Name Capability type Schema
    Software Version SoftwareVersion Property string
    Startup Utc StartupUtc Property string
  5. Select Save.

Create cloud properties

Cloud properties are used to provide additional metadata about a device.

  1. Select the model Cloud properties tab.

    The image shows the cloud properties tab

  2. Select + Add cloud property.

  3. Create a cloud property as follows:

    • Display name: Contact Name.
    • Name: ContactName.
    • Expand the property dialogue, and select schema string.
  4. Repeat this process adding the following cloud properties.

    Display name Name Schema
    Contact Number ContactNumber string
    Device Location DeviceLocation string
    Device description DeviceDescription string

    The image shows all the added cloud properties

  5. Select Save.

Add a property view

  1. On the left pane, select Views, and then select the Editing device and cloud data tile.

    The image shows how to select views

Add properties

  1. Name the form HVAC system.
  2. Select 2 column layout.
  3. Expand Properties.
  4. Select all of the properties.
  5. Select Add section.
  6. Drag the newly added section in column 2 to column 1

Add cloud properties

  1. Expand Cloud properties.
  2. Select all of the cloud properties.
  3. Select Add section.

Save properties view

The completed properties form should look like the following screenshot.

This image shows the completed properties form

  1. Select Save.
  2. Select Back.

Publish the template

To publish the template to the Azure IoT Central application, select the Publish button.

The image shows how to select publish