Workers - globules-io/OGX.JS GitHub Wiki

Starting at version 1.20, OGX.JS supports live WebWorkers. They can be used to run code in the background, declared in the foreground (with limitations). Functions are supported, but object/class methods are not.

All paths are relative to root. The function's scope is locked to itself. This feature is experimental.



Create a worker

const my_function = function(object){
     //object is _FNC_PARAMS_
     //your slow code here that you want to run in the background instead
     return something;
const worker_id = OGX.Workers.add(my_function);

You can also specify a unique id when creating a worker

OGX.Workers.add(function(object){...}, 'my_id');

You can also use non anonymous functions

function myFunction(object){ ... }

OGX.Workers.add(myFunction, 'my_id');

You can also reference some files or scripts in your worker (array of file-path expected)

OGX.Workers.add(myFunction, 'my_id', ['myfile.js']);

And you can also call a main file instead

OGX.Workers.add('my_script.js', 'my_id');

Note that in that case, your worker file should handle the parameters and sources on its own.

A complete practical example of using OGX.List and Moment in a worker

    const d = moment();
    const list = new OGX.List(__list);
    return d.format('YYYY-MM-DD')+' '+list.length;
}, 'test', ['js/lib/moment/moment.min.js', 'js/lib/globules/ogx.list.min.js']);'test', [{a:0}, {a:1}], function(res){console.log(res)});

Call/Execute a worker

Depending on your function, you can pass parameters when calling a worker, 'whatever', function(result){
      //do whatever with result

Note that optional_data is only useful when using non anonymous functions

optional_data is the optional parameter _OPTIONAL_PARAMS_ when calling the worker

Run a worker contineously 1.25.0+

You can also declare a Worker and run it every x ms. Here we run a function in the background every second, 'whatever', null, 1000);

Note that you don't need to use add if you use run. Also note that, even if the tab is blurred, the worker will still run in the background and the front-end callback will be executed.

Then you can start or stop the interval as you need. Note that it is automatically started upon using run.


Destroy/Remove a Worker
