Debug - globules-io/OGX.JS GitHub Wiki

OGX.JS comes, since v1.1, with it's own console, only in dev builds.


The debugger has 6 levels of debugging.

  0 => No output
  1 => Errors only
  2 => Warnings
  3 => Info
  4 => Verbose
  5 => Details

You can set the output level by passing the level(s) you want to listen to.

 OGX.Debug.level(1); //errors
 OGX.Debug.level(1, 2); //errors and warnings

Or retrieve the current level(s)



You can either use debug or OGX.Debug.log, and you must pass the level first

OGX.Debug.log(3, 'My Stuff worked!'); 
debug(3, 'My Stuff worked!');