Upcoming Features - glebtsereteli/GMRoomLoader GitHub Wiki


The following list of ideas includes features that might or might not be introduced in the future.

If you have a feature you'd like to suggest, please open a New Issue with the feature request flag.



  • RoomLoader.take_screenshot().
    • Make all arguments optional.
    • Scaling.
  • RoomLoader.take_screenshot_part(left, top, width, height, xpivot = 0, ypivot = 0, flags = none).
  • Room Text support, starting 2024.6 Monthly.
  • Option to merge loaded tile layers with existing layers for RoomLoader.load(). On a config, default to false.
  • RoomLoader.load_tilemap_into(room, x, y, layer_name, host_layer, host_tilemap) method for loading tilemaps and merging them into existing Tile layers.
  • Loading rooms over time.
    • RoomLoader.load_over_time() - spread layer loading across multiple frames.
    • Instances.
      • RoomLoader.load_instances_<layer/depth>_overnframes().
      • RoomLoader.load_instances_<layer/depth>_nperframe().
  • Filter/Effect layers support.
  • In-layer Filters/Effects support.
  • Loading rooms mirrored/flipped.
  • Loading rooms rotated.
  • Cache room data on disk to avoid initialization on every startup. Compare hashes, only re-initialize data if room contents have changed since last cache.
  • Verbose RoomLoaderFlags(flags) fluent interface constructor to build flags without using bitwise operators.
  • RoomLoader.room_goto_instant() - a fake instantaneous (no waiting until the next frame) room changing. YAL's idea.


  • Multiple examples with ImGui controls and info.
  • Examples.
    • Procedural generation.
    • UI layouts.
    • Level selection.


  • Migrate to VitePress.
  • Short description for biwsise flags.