FAQ - glebtsereteli/GMRoomLoader GitHub Wiki

📍 How do I update to the latest version of GMRoomLoader?

  1. Delete the GMRoomLoader folder from your project.

[!Important] If you've changed any config macros in the RoomLoaderConfig script, make sure to copy its contents before deleting the GMRoomLoader folder and paste them back in after importing the new version.

Also keep in mind - the config setup might change between versions, so make sure to pay attention to the release notes.

  1. Repeat points 1 and 2 from Getting Started.
  2. You're all set!

📍 I'm loading a room and it appears to work (?), but I can't see some (or all) of the loaded layers/instances. How can I fix that?

Mind your depth! GMRoomLoader creates room layers at the exact depths assigned in the Room Editor. If the room you're loading other rooms into has a few layers, make sure to manage their depths in a way to be either in front or behind loaded layers, depending on your use case.

📍 My rooms have instances with Variable Definitions and Creation Code. Does GMRoomLoader support those?

It does! room_get_info() provides both as scripts for GMRoomLoader to use.

[!Note] The execution order follows GameMaker's default and is structured like this:

  1. Room-defined parameters + Variable Definitions (mixed in a single pre-create struct).
  2. Create event.
  3. Creation Code.