Suggestions and requests - gkazan/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

This page keeps track of frequently requested features and suggestions, and why we won't implement them or why they may be added in the future. If you are linked this page, you probably requested something we've seen a lot.

If you read through this page and what you'd like to suggest isn't listed, you can leave a feature request on the issues page.

If you are coming here with a bug or issue, report it directly to the issue tracker.

Remember do not request animals or Fisk will beat you with a chair.

Added suggestions

Nocturnal sleep cycles for animals are a configurable option as of version 2.1. The tag to enable nocturnal behavior can be added to each individual animal's JSON file. Please see the addon page for help with this.

Water bowls for smaller or drowning-prone animals will be added in version 2.1. This means players no longer have to put full water blocks in enclosures, or use cauldrons.

Selecting variants with a spawn egg has been possible since version 2.0. Please see the variant page for details.

Animal information books have been added as of version 2.0. To see a little bit of information on an animal (either your own tamed zoo animal or a wild animal), go to the third page of your data book.

Possible future features

Tweaks to the default target or aggression options are always welcome, as long as they're justified: if an animal is more aggressive than it is in-game, or it preys on an animal in the wild and not in the mod, please tell ZAWA team on the discord.

Zookeeper outfits for players may be added in a future update. They will likely by dyeable.

More enrichment for water animals is in the works. Hold tight!

Plushies are added with every major update. Please stop asking specifically for them: almost everything that is asked for is either finished for a future update or planned for one.

Common (rejected) ideas

Animal remodels are done at ZAWA team's discretion. Because of the amount of assets required for a remodel, choices about which animals to rework are difficult, and made very conservatively. If you'd like to know the process behind a remodel, and learn ten new swear words, ping Fisk in the discord.

Spawning tweaks can and should be made by the player.

Guest or visitor NPCs will not be added. They do not fit with the survival experience of the mod, and for creative players, zoo patrons can be added with CustomNPCs.

Complex animal AI, such as rain avoidance, shelter seeking and other small behaviors will not be added. ZAWA animals already use fairly sophisticated AI, and any more may cause issues for servers and lower-end computers.

Complex animal training will also not be added for this reason.

Riding animals such as big cats will not be added. Would you ride a tiger in real life? No. You'd lose a hand. Stop asking.

Animal hybrids like ligers will not be added. ZAWA team doesn't support crossbreeding for novelty, and urges players to focus on animal conservation instead.

No more albino, leucistic or melanistic variants will be retroactively added to current animals. Animals like tigers, jaguars, moose and bison that frequently, naturally occur as color mutations, or are popular in zoos as color mutations, already have these variants added as rare spawns or breeding-only variants.

Wing clipping will not be an option for flying birds. In many situations, wing clipping is a temporary and dangerous solution to behavioral problems with birds, that can cause obesity, depression, and aggression towards other animals and keepers. Birds with clipped wings can also severely injure themselves while panicking or trying to escape predators. To prevent your tamed birds from flying out of enclosures, you can cover the tops with glass or grate blocks.

Recipes involving, or additional animal meat or hide drops will generally not be added. This includes armor, weapons and decorations. ZAWA team would like the mod to focus on conservation, and unless it's out of necessity, we don't want to promote killing animals for their skins or horns.

De-aging animals or keeping babies as babies will not be added: the Quark mod adds a similar feature that works on ZAWA animals.

Animal poop will not be added. Please stop asking.