Polar bear - gkazan/ZAWA GitHub Wiki
The Polar Bear is a large, carnivorous species of bear. They are native to the Arctic circle, are semi-aquatic and prey on seals. Wild polar bears are aggressive towards players, and will stand up before charging at and attacking them: they deal heavy damage, and are a serious danger to an unprepared zookeeper. Wild bears will also attack villagers.
In version 2.0, polar bears received a remodel.
Polar bears are tamed with Bear Kibble and bred with Bear Vials.
Polar bears are considered to have a x activity level.
Without additional mods installed, polar bears will spawn in frozen river, frozen ocean and ice plains biomes. Polar bears are solitary and always spawn alone.
With other biome mods installed, polar bears will, by default, spawn in other cold biomes.
Tamed polar bears can use the Brush, Zebra Pinata, Ball, Tire Swing and Scratching Post enrichments.
Polar bears eat a Large carnivore-type diet.
Polar bears have four variants.