Pacific walrus - gkazan/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

(exhibit by Hjeshed)

The Pacific Walrus is one of the largest pinnipeds in the world. They are social animals that live in the far Northern parts of the Pacific ocean. Wild walruses are sometimes preyed on by great white sharks.


Walruses are tamed with Pinniped Kibble and bred with Pinniped Vials.

Walruses are considered to have a x activity level.


Without additional mods installed, walruses will spawn in ocean, frozen ocean and ice mountains biomes, including hills and mutated variants. Walruses spawn in groups of 3-5.

With other biome mods installed, walruses will, by default, spawn in other cold biomes.


Tamed walruses can use the Brush, Ball and Tire Swing enrichments.

Walruses eat a Shellfish-type diet.


Pacific walruses have four variants. They are sexually dimorphic: males are larger.
