Komodo dragon - gkazan/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

The Komodo Dragon is the largest living species of lizard. It is native to several small islands around Indonesia. Wild Komodo dragons are extremely aggressive and can easily kill an unarmed player. They also attack brown rats as well as vanilla livestock like cows, pigs and chickens, and villagers.


Komodo dragons are tamed with Crocodile Kibble and bred with Crocodile Vials.

Komodo dragons are considered to have a x activity level.


Without additional mods installed, Komodo dragons will spawn in forest, savanna and beach biomes, including hills and mutated variants. They spawn in small groups of 2-4.

With other biome mods installed, Komodo dragons will, by default, spawn in similar biomes.


Tamed Komodo dragons can use the Brush, Zebra Pinata, Ball, Tire Swing and Heat Lamp enrichments.

Komodo dragons eat a Large Carnivore diet.


Adult Komodo dragons have four variants.
