Japanese giant salamander - gkazan/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

The Japanese giant salamander is a large amphibian, and one of the largest in the world (tied with other giant Asian salamanders.) It is native to Japan, and prefers to live in cold, fresh water. Wild giant salamanders may be attacked by gharials.


Giant salamanders are tamed with Crocodile Kibble and bred with Crocodile Vials.

Giant salamanders are considered x.


Without additional mods installed, giant salamanders will spawn in forest, taiga, river and beach biomes, including hills and mutated variants. They always spawn alone.

With other biome mods installed, giant salamanders will, by default, spawn in similar wet biomes.


Tamed giant salamanders can use the Brush, Ball, Tire Swing and Heat Lamp enrichments.

Giant salamanders eat a Piscivore-type diet.

