What When How of Automation Testing - gits5213/InterviewProject GitHub Wiki

What, When & How of Automation Testing

What is Automation Testing?

Thorough testing is crucial to the success of a software product. If your software doesn’t work properly, chances are strong that most people won’t buy or use it…at least not for long. But testing to find defects – or bugs – is time-consuming, expensive, often repetitive, and subject to human error. Automated testing, in which Quality Assurance teams use Tools/API’s to run detailed, repetitive, and data-intensive tests automatically, helps teams improve software quality and make the most of their always-limited testing resources. 

Test Automation tools such as Selenium (API’s) help teams test faster, allows them to test substantially more code, improves test accuracy, and frees up QA engineers so they can focus on tests that require manual attention and their unique human skills.

When to Start Test Automation?

  1. To Optimize the Speed & Efficiency
  2. To Increase the Quality and Decrease the Cost
  3. When there is a repetition or a need to run the test cases a lot number of times in a test cycle.
  4. To Increase the Test Coverage
  5. When you need to run the same test cases on different browser at the same time
  6. When you need to test single functionality with multiple data sets
  7. When you need to run Regression/Sanity/Smoke Test Suite
  8. Generation of Detailed Reports

(What to) Scope of Automation Testing

  1. Design of Framework
  2. What to cover in Automation and what not
  3. Following scripting standards
  4. Create Generic functions for Common Steps
  5. Execution of test cases independently
  6. Create Good, Quality Test data
  7. Schedule and Time line of Deliverables for automation testing
  8. Make flexibility in scripts & code
  9. Test Early and Test Often
  10. Create Automated Tests that are Resistant to Changes in the UI

Planning, Design and Development

In this phase you do planning for Automation, design, create strategy which includes-

  1. Design of Framework
  2. What to cover in Automation and what not
  3. Following scripting standards
  4. Create Generic functions for Common Steps
  5. Execution of test cases independently
  6. Test data
  7. Schedule and Time line of Deliverables for automation testing
  8. Make flexibility in scripts & code
  9. User Friendliness


To make Test Automation a successful exercise, you need to select Right Automation Tools, an Expert Team and a well structured plan. You need to give proper time and efforts to development of test automation suite.