Lab 1A : Create a logical Gateway - github2alfred/oracle-apipcs-Lab GitHub Wiki
A Logical Gateway (called a Gateway in the Management Portal user interface) is a JSON object that defines what its registered Gateway Nodes should look like. A gateway node is the physical gateway run-time installation. Gateway nodes can be installed on-premises or in the cloud. Logical gateways and gateway nodes have a one to many relationship: many gateway nodes can register to one logical gateway, but a gateway node can register to only one logical gateway. Each gateway node polls the management service at configurable intervals to retrieve the logical gateway definition it registers to. The gateway node is updated to match the logical gateway definition. Because you deploy APIs to logical gateways, and not to gateway nodes, all nodes registered to a gateway have the same APIs deployed with the same policies applied.
Login to your management portal instance e.g. https://hostname:port/apiplatform/public/login.jsp, click on left hand side menu bar >> Gateway >> Create Gateway
Provide Gateway Name and Description and click on create