Home - giobim/Some-help-from-my-Friends GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Some-help-from-my-Friends wiki!

:coffee: A place to share Knowledge

Github wiki is a great for Notetaking or Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)

  • knowledge/expertise/tips/tricks for my job
  • temporary memo/notes
  • schedules/plans
  • detailed procedures you often forget for infrequent tasks
    • e.g., installing printer drivers on your computers, submitting a tax return, ...
  • expressions/vocabularies (e.g. when you learn a foreign language)
  • ideas/inspirations
  • todo list for ,y job or life
  • insightful maxims/proverbs/humors
  • and whatever knowledge/information I may want to access later.

It is just like any other wiki application but unlike a naive use of wiki,we do it with full insight of markup al la Github.

:coffee: Rational

I can keep data in various forms including:

  • text
    • authored in Markdown with a dedicated editor
  • hyper links
  • images
  • videos
  • and other file types

It help me to efficiently organize/structure my data by:

  • tagging
  • relating
  • bookmarking
  • organizing knowledge in a hierarchical structure

To contribute offline, you need:

to clone your github wiki to my local machine
  1. Checkout my repository wiki via git.
  • The URL is the same as the project but with a .wiki before .git
  1. Now that I have pulled down a local copy of your github repo wiki, create or modify a file in the repo called _Sidebar.md
  • Note that other names might not work.
  1. Within the _Sidebar.md file, you can add appropriate link markdown syntax.
  2. Commit your modifications by pushing via git push origin master.

With the same procedure, you can add/modify a header(_Header.md) and footer(_Footer.md) file.

For more details, refer to https://help.github.com/articles/adding-and-editing-wiki-pages-locally/