Weekly Reflection - giangpham-cncs/Capstone GitHub Wiki

Week 1 (01/25 - 01/29)

  • Prepare for the Sprint 1 (IPSEC/VPN)
  • Present Project Overview

Week 2 (02/01 - 02/05)

  • Research how to configure IPSEC/VPN on Cisco Packet Tracer
  • Research how to configure IPSEC/VPN on GNS3
  • Find the compatible Cisco Images included Switch, Router, Server that required for the sprint
  • Create at least 2 environments
  • Figure out how CLI work on GNS3
  • Next week, start the configuration on both networks and run the testing on 1 environment (another environment prepare for Demo)

Week 3 (02/08 - 02/12)

Week 4 (02/15 - 02/19)

  • Answer to the question: Who I am going to provide my research and completed work to at the end of the semester? I will send all my work to Adam Goldstein.
  • I start working on the second topology by using different Cisco images
  • Problem with the Cisco Router: after I closed the windows and disconnect GNS3 VM, the routers are lost their configuration. It happened on Router 2691 and 1700
  • Next week, wrap up and prepare for the Sprint 1 Demo

Week 5 (02/22 - 02/26)

  • Find the documentation about SNMP configuration on Packet Tracer
  • Find the documentation about SNMP configuration on GNS3
  • Build the SNMP documentation to help walk through the lab

Week 6 (03/01 - 03/05)

  • Read through the documentation to understand what Static route is and how it works
  • Find and import any Cisco images to GNS3
  • Test images to make sure it works before the first Static route configuration
  • Create tasks and issues on the Wiki
  • First topology complete on this week

Week 7 (03/08 - 03/12)

  • Finish the first topology
  • Build the second topology for Demo
  • Try to upload Sprint 1 and Sprint 2 to Github (still working on it)
  • Organize and move all works from GNS3 Desktop version to GNS3 Web GUI
  • Finishing the Static route documentation to help walkthrough

Week 8 (03/15 - 03/19)

  • Prepare work environment for live Demo in class
  • Recording Sprint 2 Static Route Demo and submit
  • Recording Sprint 2 Objective Demo and submit
  • Figure out how to upload the GNS3 project to Github
  • Complete work and any issues/milestone for submission

Week 9 (03/22 - 03/26)

  • Understanding how to configure IPv6 on Packet Tracer
  • Find the document on how to configure IPv6 on GNS3
  • Import and test images to make sure it works on GNS3 before implement

Week 10 (03/29 - 04/02)

  • Create the documentation about how to configure IPv6 on GNS3
  • Create tasks and issues in the Wiki
  • Build the first topology for testing

Week 11 (04/05 - 04/09)

  • Build the second topology for recording and submitting
  • Wrap up work and prepare for the live demo

Week 12 (04/12 - 04/16)

  • Find the documentation and understand how it works
  • Find and import any Cisco images to GNS3

Week 13 (04/19 - 04/23)

  • Test images to make sure it works before the first configuration
  • Create tasks and issues on the Wiki
  • First topology complete on this week

Week 14 (04/26 - 05/30)

  • Build the instruction to help to work through the lab
  • Build the second topology for demo

Week 15 (05/03 - 05/07)

  • Wrap up works and prepare for record
  • Organize all materials and informations