Grid State & Preset - ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal GitHub Wiki



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Regular grid

Demo Page / Demo Component

with Backend Service

Demo Page / Demo Component


Grid State

The Grid State are what we defined as the currently used Columns / Filters / Sorters / Pagination of the actual grid (pagination is only returned when used in combo with the Backend Service API).


Presets can be used to preset a grid with certain Columns / Filters / Sorters / Pagination. When we say Columns, we actually mean their size, order position and visibility (shown/hidden) in the grid.

Combining the two together

So basically, the idea is to save the Grid State in Local Storage (or DB) before the grid gets destroyed and once we come back to that same page we can preset the grid with the exact same state as it was before leaving the page (just like if we were doing a forward/back button with browser history).

Grid State

You can get the Grid State at any point in time. However if you wish to save the grid state before leaving the page and store that in Local Storage, then the best way is to use the detached() of your ViewModel.

<div class="grid1"></div>
export class GridExample {

  attached() {
    const dataset = this.initializeGrid();
    const gridContainerElm = document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>('.grid1');
    this.sgb = new Slicker.GridBundle(gridContainerElm, this.columnDefinitions, this.gridOptions, dataset);

  detached() {

  // you can save it to Local Storage of DB in this call
  saveCurrentGridState() {
    const gridState: GridState = this.sgb.gridStateService.getCurrentGridState();
    console.log('Leaving page with current grid state', gridState);

Using Grid Presets & Filter SearchTerm(s)

What happens when we use the grid presets and a Filter Default SearchTerms? In this case, the presets will win over filter searchTerms. The cascading order of priorities is the following

  1. Do we have any presets? Yes use them, else go to step 2
  2. Do we have any Filter searchTerms? Yes use them, else go to step 3
  3. No presets and no searchTerms, load grid with default grid & column definitions

Grid Presets


The current structure of a Grid Presets is the following

export interface CurrentColumn {
  columnId: string;
  cssClass?: string;
  headerCssClass?: string;
  width?: number;
export interface CurrentFilter {
  columnId: string;
  operator?: OperatorType | OperatorString;
  searchTerms?: SearchTerm[];
export interface CurrentSorter {
  columnId: string;
  direction: SortDirection | SortDirectionString;
export interface GridState {
  columns?: CurrentColumn[] | null;
  filters?: CurrentFilter[] | null;
  sorters?: CurrentSorter[] | null;
  pagination?: {
    pageNumber: number;
    pageSize: number;


For example, we can set presets on a grid like so:

<div class="grid1"></div>
export class GridExample {

  attached() {
    const dataset = this.initializeGrid();
    const gridContainerElm = document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>('.grid1');
    this.sgb = new Slicker.GridBundle(gridContainerElm, this.columnDefinitions, this.gridOptions, dataset);

  attached() {
    this.columnDefinitions = [
      { id: 'name', name: 'Name', field: 'name', filterable: true, sortable: true, sortable: true },
      { id: 'duration', name: 'Duration', field: 'duration', filterable: true, sortable: true },
      { id: 'complete', name: '% Complete', field: 'percentComplete', filterable: true, sortable: true },

    this.gridOptions = {
      enableFiltering: true,

      // use columnDef searchTerms OR use presets as shown below
      presets: {
        // the column position in the array is very important and represent
        // the position that will show in the grid
        columns: [
          { columnId: 'duration', width: 88, headerCssClass: 'customHeaderClass' },
          { columnId: 'complete', width: 57 }
        filters: [
          { columnId: 'duration', searchTerms: [2, 22, 44] },
          { columnId: 'complete', searchTerm: '>5' }
        sorters: [
          { columnId: 'duration', direction: 'DESC' },
          { columnId: 'complete', direction: 'ASC' }

        // with Backend Service ONLY, you can also add Pagination info
        pagination: { pageNumber: 2, pageSize: 20 }

Grid State Events

You can subscribe to GridState Service dispatched event


onGridStateServiceChanged dispatched event

<div class="grid1"></div>
export class GridExample {

  attached() {
    const dataset = this.initializeGrid();
    const gridContainerElm = document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>('.grid1');
    gridContainerElm.addEventListener('ongridstatechanged', this.handleOnGridStateChanged.bind(this));
    this.sgb = new Slicker.GridBundle(gridContainerElm, this.columnDefinitions, this.gridOptions, dataset);
  handleOnGridStateChanged(gridState) {
View - SalesForce (ES6)
<div class="grid-container">
    <div class="grid1" 

How to Load Grid with certain Columns Preset (example hide certain Column(s) on load)

You can show/hide or even change column position all via the presets, yes presets is that powerful. All you need is to pass all Columns that you want to show as part of the columns property of presets. Typically you already have the entire columns definition since you just defined it, so you can re-use that and just use map to loop through and populate the columns according to the structure needed (see preset structure). What you have to know is that whatever array you pass will drive what the user will see and at which order the columns will show (basically the array order does matter). If a Columns is omitted from that array, then it will become a hidden column (you can still show it through Grid Menu or Column Picker).

So let say that we want to hide the last Column on page load, we can just find the column by it's id that you want to hide and pass the new column definition to the presets (again make sure to follow the correct preset structure).

this.columnDefinitions = [
  // your definition

// for example, let's hide last column, we can just use `pop()` last column
// and use `map()` to only pull required field for presets to work
const mappedColumnDefinitions = => {
  return { columnId:, width: col.width };

// then pass it to the presets
this.gridOptions = {
  presets: {
    columns: mappedColumnDefinitions

This would be the easiest way to do it.

As pointed out earlier, the presets requires a specific structure where the columns is the list of columns to show/hide with their possible widths and also the position in the array is very important as it defines the position shown in the UI

this.gridOptions = {
      enableFiltering: true,

      // use columnDef searchTerms OR use presets as shown below
      presets: {
        // the column position in the array is very important and represent
        // the position that will show in the grid
        columns: [
          { columnId: 'duration', width: 88, headerCssClass: 'customHeaderClass' },
          { columnId: 'complete', width: 57 }

You could technically redefine by hand the complete list of columns that the presets requires. I would personally do it via the Column Definitions looping with map(), but go manual is also perfectly fine. You would just re-declare the columns again with the id and width and that would work as well.

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