postgresql pgbench Workload Simulation - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki

pgbench is built in to PostgreSQL.

for run in {1..10}; do
  echo "select * from comments where blog_id = $(jot -r 1 1 1000);" >> queries.bench

echo "UPDATE comments SET view_count = 0 WHERE = 1" >> queries.bench

# `-T/--time` time seconds
# `-j/--jobs` number of threads
# `-c/--client` number of clients
# `-M/--protocol` querymode = prepared
# `-r/--report-latencies`

pgbench --host localhost --port 5432 --username root --protocol prepared --time 60 --jobs 8 --client 8 --file queries.bench --report-latencies my_database_name"
chmod +X

Another tool for PostgreSQL benchmarking is HammerDB. HammerDB may have a more realistic workload test environment out of the box.

Initialize pgbenchmark

./pgbench -i -p 5432 -d postgres

it creates pgbench_history, pgbench_tellers, pgbench_accounts, and pgbench_branches tables to run the transactions for benchmarking.

./pgbench -c 10                 # test with 10 clients with 10 tx per client
./pgbench -c 100 -T 300 -S -n   # “-S” option - red only worload - secect , -n is to skip vacuuming on tables

pgbench typically runs transactions on its own tables. If you have a workload of 50% reads and 50% writes (or a 60:40 environment), you can create a script file with a set of statements to achieve the expected workload.

$ cat /tmp/bench.sql 
INSERT INTO test_bench VALUES(1,'test');
INSERT INTO test_bench VALUES(1,'test');
SELECT * FROM test_bench WHERE id=1;
SELECT * FROM test_bench WHERE id=2;
./pgbench -c 100 -T 300 -S -n -f /tmp/bench.sql

File the database test data

  • -i inicialize and fill data
  • -p port The database server's port number
  • -s scale_factor Multiply the number of rows generated by the scale factor. For example, -s 100 will create 10,000,000 rows in the pgbench_accounts table. Default is 1.
time pgbench -p 6000 -i -s 1000