postgres tool - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki

Tools Description
psql PostgreSQL Interactive Terminal
createdb create a new PostgreSQL database
clusterdb cluster a PostgreSQL database
dropdb remove a PostgreSQL database
createuser define a new PostgreSQL user account
dropuser remove a PostgreSQL user account
epcgembedded SQL C pre-processor
pg_dump extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or
other archive file
pg_dumpall extract a PostgreSQL database cluster into a script file
pg_config retrieve information about the installed version of
pgbenchrun a benchmark test on PostgreSQL
pg_basebackup take a base backup of a PostgreSQL cluster
pg_verifybackup verify the integrity of a base backup of a PostgreSQL cluster
pg_restore restore a PostgreSQL database from an archive file
created by pg_dump
pg_amcheck checks for corruption in one or more PostgreSQL da
pg_isready check the connection status of a PostgreSQL server
pg_receivewal stream write-ahead logs from a PostgreSQL server
pg_recvlogical control PostgreSQL logical decoding streams
reindexdb reindex a PostgreSQL database
vacuumdb garbage-collect and analyse a PostgreSQL database
pgloader mysql://user@host/dbname pgsql://user@host/dbname


