postgres index create - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki
Most operations have to do some sorting or memory allocation of some kind. The administrative ones, such as the CREATE INDEX
clause, don’t rely on the work_mem
variable and use the maintenance_work_mem
variable instead.
SET maintenance_work_mem = '40GB'; -- zwiekszenie pamięć dostępną do budowy indeksów, co przyspieszy operację i pozwoli uniknąć problemów z pamięcią.
--SET work_mem = '1GB'; -- więcej pamięci na operacje sortowania przy selectach - nie jest uzywana przy budowie indeksow
PostgreSQL 11+ - build btree indexes in parallel, which can dramatically speed up the indexing of large tables.
SHOW max_parallel_maintenance_workers;
As for every parallel operation, PostgreSQL will determine the number of workers based on table sizes. When indexing large tables, index creation can see drastic improvements.
Keep in mind that we use memory:
max_parallel_maintenance_workers x maintenance_work_mem
Another factot to speed up index is data types. The numeric
is worsts typ Much faster index is create on int4,int8,integer
If checkpoints and I/O have started to become a limiting factor we can
checkpoint_timeout = 120min
max_wal_size = 50GB
min_wal_size = 80GB
SELECT pg_reload_conf();
Monitoring (Postgres 12+)
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_progress_create_index;
- jest odpowiednikiem widoku
- Column 'phase' in example 'building index: scanning table' or
building index: loading tuples in tree
- Columns
give a rough estimate of the percentage of work done.