postgres data type denormalized - ghdrako/doc_snipets GitHub Wiki

  • Boolean type
  • Numeric types
  • Character types
  • Date/time
  • Composite types, array, range.
  • NoSQL data types: hstore, xml, json, and jsonb
  • point

PostgreSQL supports Boolean data types. The Boolean type (identified by BOOLEAN or BOOL), like all data types supported by PostgreSQL, can assume the NULL value. Therefore, a Boolean data type can take the NULL, FALSE, and TRUE values.

alter table users add user_on_line boolean;
update users set user_on_line = true where pk=1;

Numeric data type

  • integer or int4 (4-byte integer number).
  • bigint or int8 (8-byte integer number).
  • real (4-byte variable precision, inexact with 6-decimal-digit precision).
  • double precision (8-byte variable precision, inexact with 15-decimal-digit precision).
  • numeric (precision, scale), where the precision of a numeric is the total count of significant digits in the whole number, and the scale of a numeric is the count of decimal digits in the fractional part. For example, 5.827 has a precision of 4 and a scale of 3.
select 1.123456789::integer as my_field;
select 1.123456789::int4 as my_field;
select 1.123456789::bigint as my_field;
select 1.123456789::int8 as my_field;
select 1.123456789::real as my_field;
select 1.123456789::double precision as my_field;

perform the sum of the value 0.1 10 times. The correct result would be the number 1.

select sum(0.1::real) from generate_series(1,10);

We get the value 1.0000001. This happens due to the intrinsic rounding error in the real data type, so it is not recommended to use the real data type in fields representing money. The correct way to make this sum is using the numeric data type.

select 1.123456789::numeric(10,1) as my_field;
select 1.123456789::numeric(10,5) as my_field;
select 1.123456789::numeric(10,9) as my_field;
select 1.123456789::numeric(10,10) as my_field;
ERROR: numeric field overflow
DETAIL: A field with precision 10, scale 10 must round to an absolute
value less than 1.

select 0.123456789::numeric(10,10) as my_field;

select sum(0.1::numeric(2,2)) from generate_series(1,10);

Character data type

  • character(n)/char(n) (fixed-length, blank-padded)
  • character varying(n)/varchar(n) (variable length with a limit)
  • varchar/text (variable unlimited length)

char(10) - char with a fixed length of 10, so even if we insert a string with a shorter length, the difference between 10 and the number of real characters of the string will be filled with blank characters.

Array type

PostgreSQL has built-in support for arrays with ability to process array elements from SQL directly. This capability includes indexing facilities thanks to GIN indexing.

Arrays can be used to denormalize data and avoid lookup tables. A good rule of thumb for using them that way is that you mostly use the array as a whole, even if you might at times search for elements in the array. Heavier processing is going to be more complex than a lookup table.

A classic example of a good use case for PostgreSQL arrays is user-defined tags.

create table hashtag 
 id bigint primary key, 
 date timestamptz, 
 uname text, 
 message text, 
 location point, 
 hashtags text[] 

regexp_matches(message, '(#[^ ,]+)', 'g') as match
  • regexp_matches() with the g flag to return every match found and not just the first tag in a message. Those multiple matches are returned one per rów.
array_agg(match[1] order by match[1]) as hashtags
  • unnest() function allows processing the array’s content as if it were just another relation.
select tag, count(*) 
 from hashtag, unnest(hashtags) as t(tag) 
 group by tag 
 order by count desc 
 limit 10;
create index on hashtag using gin (hashtags);

Gin index access method allows PostgreSQL to index the contents of the arrays, the tags them-selves, rather than each array as an opaque value. Replacement for array is lookup table if array Will be inefficient.

Using in pg/plsql

DECLARE  my_array INTEGER[];

You can initialize an array with values using curly braces:

DECLARE  my_array INTEGER[] := '{1, 2, 3}';

You can access individual elements of an array using square brackets. The following is a simple example:

postgres=# DO  
  my_array INTEGER[] := '{1, 2, 3}';
  second_element INTEGER;
  second_element := my_array[2];
  RAISE NOTICE 'second element from my array is: %', second_element;

Range type

Composite type

 create type rate_t as  
 currency text, 
 validity daterange, 
 value numeric 
 create table rate of rate_t 
 exclude using gist (currency with =, validity with &&) 
 insert into rate(currency, validity, value) 
 select currency, validity, rate 
   from rates;

In advanced cases is usful build composite types

  • Management ofStored Procedur?API
  • Advanced use cases of array of composite types

NoSQL data types:

  • hstore
  • xml
  • json/jsonb

hstore data type

This data type is used for storing key-value pairs in a single value. Before working with the hstore data type, we need to enable the hstore extension on our server:

create extension hstore ;
create table posts_options as
title]) as options
from posts p
inner join users u on
left join categories c on
order by 1;
select * from posts_options where options->'category'='Database';
insert into posts_options (pk,title,options) values (7,'my lastpost','"enabled"=>"false"') ;


CREATE TABLE animaux (nom text, caract hstore);
INSERT INTO animaux VALUES ('canari','pattes=>2,vole=>oui');
INSERT INTO animaux VALUES ('loup','pattes=>4,carnivore=>oui');
INSERT INTO animaux VALUES ('carpe','eau=>douce');
CREATE INDEX idx_animaux_donnees ON animaux USING gist (caract);
SELECT *, caract->'pattes' AS nb_pattes FROM animaux WHERE caract@>'carnivore=>oui';
nom | caract | nb_pattes 
loup | "pattes"=>"4", "carnivore"=>"oui" | 4 62

# SELECT * FROM animaux ;
nom | caract 
canari | "vole"=>"oui", "pattes"=>"2" 
loup | "pattes"=>"4", "carnivore"=>"oui" 
carpe | "eau"=>"douce" 

UPDATE animaux SET caract = caract||'poil=>t'::hstore WHERE nom = 'loup' ;
# SELECT * FROM animaux WHERE caract@>'carnivore=>oui';
nom | caract 
loup | "poil"=>"t", "pattes"=>"4", "carnivore"=>"oui" 

# SELECT hstore_to_matrix(caract) FROM animaux WHERE caract->'vole' = 'oui';
{ {vole,oui},{pattes,2} } 
-- na JSON :
# SELECT caract::jsonb FROM animaux WHERE (caract->'pattes')::int > 2;
{"pattes": "4", "poil": "t", "carnivore": "oui"}

Indeksowanie tych pól można przeprowadzić za pomocą różnych typów indeksów. Unikalny indeks jest możliwy tylko w przypadku klasycznego indeksu B-drzewa. Indeksy GIN lub GiST są przydatne do wyszukiwania wartości atrybutu. Indeksy hash są przydatne tylko do wyszukiwania równości pola całkowitego; są jednak bardzo kompaktowe. (Należy pamiętać, że indeksy skrótów są bezużyteczne w wersjach starszych niż PostgreSQL 10).

XML data type

create extension plxslt;
 AS $$<?xml version="1.0"?> 
 <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
 xmlns="" > 

 <xsl:output method="text" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/> 

 <xsl:template match="/"> 
 </xsl:stylesheet> 1


create table docs 
 id serial primary key, 
 content xml 
insert into docs(content) 
 values ('<?xml version="1.0"?> 
 <html xmlns=""> 
  select id, striptags(content) 14 from docs;

JSON data type

point type

Find out the ten nearest circuits to Paris, France, which is at longi-tude 2.349014 and latitude 48.864716. That’s a kNN search with k = 10:

select name, location, country 
 from circuits 
 order by point(lng,lat) <-> point(2.349014, 48.864716) 
 limit 10;

alter table f1db.circuits add column position point;
update f1db.circuits set position = point(lng,lat);
create index on f1db.circuits using gist(position);
-- point type use effective GIST index
explain (costs off, buffers, analyze) 
 select name, location, country 
   from circuits 
  order by position <-> point(2.349014, 48.864716) 
  limit 10;

By default, the distance operator <-> is defined only for geometric data types in PostgreSQL. Some extensions such as pg_trgm add to that list so that you may bene??t from a kNN index lookup in other situations, such as in queries using thelikeoperator, or even the regular expression operator~.

Using lateral left join lookup kNN search with order by ... <-> ... limit K. clause: The <-> operator computes the distance in between its argument, and by using the limit 1 clause we select the nearest known location

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